Products & Services

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Demineralization Units


  • High Purity Demineralized Water
  •  Two Column Principle Cation - Anion
  • Co-Current & Counter Current Systems
  • Fully Automatic & Manual Units
  • Circulation loop to unwanted regeneration
  •  Feed Water Cartridge or Bag Filtration
  • Availability for Low to High Consumption
  • Skid Mounted, Compact Design
  • Continous Quality Monitoring
  • Isolated or In-Built Regeneration Tank Skid
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Mixed Bed Systems

Principle: The unit contains a mixture of cation & anion resin through which water passes from top to bottom allows
exchange of both types of ions from water to the resin thereby reducing the salt content & conductivity.
Regeneration: The regeneration takes place after cation & anion resins separation with Acid & Caustic lye & are air mixed for
water production.
Automation: The valves are pneumatic actuated with PLC Panel integrated with Conductivity controller to initiate the
regeneration & all other operations automatic. Choice between Volume, Conductivity or Timing selection is available
Competitive: A Mixed Bed unit is having high capacity for polishing of demineralized water, producing the high quality water
at a very low cost per litre of water for medium quantity of water consumption.

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M.B Polishers

No regeneration takes place results in the greater Convenience since
storage & handling of Acid and Caustic Flakes or lye is avoided. The unit
frame can be constructed individual or in combination with the two bed
demineralizaed water unit.

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Ion Exchange Cartridges

We supply Purolite ion exchange cartridges who are at the forefront in ion exchange resin technology and manufactures
several hundred varieties of resins. As a result, we have carefully selected the best performing product or combination of
products that allow us to optimize cartridge performance. The end result is that Purolite provides a family of products that
are engineered to meet the strictest quality requirements of today's most demanding applications.

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Reverse Osmosis System

3 Separation Systems is water treatment plant manufacturing organization dedicated to offer customers the superior
commercial, industrial and medical reverse osmosis systems. Our goal is to provide the most advanced system with proven
components, a better engineered and tailor made for each & individual client. Our experience enables us to manufacture
major items in-house to ensure system reliability and a proven product you can trust.

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Sand Or Carbon Filtration

Sand filtration is one of the oldest wastewater treatment technologies known. If properly designed, constructed, operated
and maintained, a sand filter produces a very high quality effluent. Sand filters are beds of granular material, or sand,
drained from underneath so that pretreated water and wastewater can be treated, collected and distributed to the land
application system.
Carbon filters uses Granular activated charcoal removes Colours, Bad Odours, Dissolved Organic impurities and other
chemicals that are dissolved in water passing through a filter containing GAC by trapping the chemical in the GAC. However,
other chemicals, like sodium or nitrate, are not attracted to the carbon and are not removed. Eventually, the ability of the
GAC to bind and remove chemicals is used up and new, or regenerated, GAC is needed.

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Cartridge Or Bag Filtration

A device made of housing and a removable cartridge
(element) for fluid filtration. Elements can be cleanable and
reusable or disposable.
Cartridges is a medium due to which filtration happens &
Cartridge Filter Housing is a structure in which cartridge
gets placed. Both Comes in different types.

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Softening Systems

When water contains a significant amount of calcium and
magnesium, it is called hard water. Hard water is known to clog
pipes and to complicate soap and detergent dissolving in water.
Water softeners are specific ion exchangers that are designed to
remove ions, which are positively charged. Softeners mainly
remove calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions. Calcium
and magnesium are often referred to as hardness minerals'.
Softeners are sometimes even applied to remove iron. The
softening devices are able to remove up to five milligrams per
liter (5 mg/L) of dissolved iron.

Activated Carbon Air Filters * Anolyte Circulation System * Anolyte Conductivity Controller * Automatic Demineralization Unit * Automatic Industrial Water Softening Plant * Automatic Water Softners * Bag Filtration Solutions * Ball Check Valve * C. E. D Anode Membrane Sheet * C. E. D Anolyte Circulation System * C. E. D Bath Chiller System * C. E. D Bath Circulation Eductors * C. E. D Bath Circulation Systems * C. E. D Bath Heat Exchanger Units * C. E. D Box Anode * C. E. D Electrocoating Ultrafilters * C. E. D Tubular Anodes * C. E. D Tubular Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * C. E. D Ultrafiltration Unit * Carbon Cartridges * Carbon Filters * Cartridge And Bag Filtration * Cartridge Bag Filters * Cartridge Bag Filtration * Cartridge Filters * Cartridge Housings * Cartridge Or Bag Filtration * Ced Ultra Filters * Certridges Filters * Chemical Filter System * Chemical Pumps * Chromic Solution Filter * Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plant * Commercial Wastewater Treatment Systems * Copper Plating Filters * D. M. Machinery * Demineralisation Plant * Demineralization Plants * Demineralization Units * Demineralizers * Desalination Equipments * Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems * E. D Coating Ultrafiltration Systems * Effluent Treatment Systems * Electric Actuated Ball Valve * Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve * Electro Phoretic Ultra Filters * Electrocoating Anode Cell Membrane Sheet * Electrocoating Anode Cell Sheet * Electrocoating Anolyte Circulation System * Electrocoating Bag Filtration System * Electrocoating Bath Chiller Systems * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Educator * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Pumps * Electrocoating Bath Circulation Systems * Electrocoating Bath Heat Exchanger Units * Electrocoating Box Membrane * Electrocoating Membranes * Electrocoating Tubular Anodes * Electrocoating Tubular Extruded Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Membrane * Electrocoating Tubular Sheet Membrane * Electrocoating Ultrafilter * Electrocoating Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophorectic Ultrafilters * Electrophoretic Cartridge Filters * Electrophoretic Dye Laquer Ultrafiltration Unit * Electrophoretic Filters * Electrophoretic Laquer Plants * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafilter Unit * Electrophoretic Laquer Ultrafiltration Membrane * Electrophoretic Membranes * Electrophoretic Plants * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Membrane * Electrophoretic Ultrafilter Unit * Electroplating Chemical Pumps * Electroplating Filters * Electroplating Plant * Filter * Filter Bag Housings * Filter Bags * Filter Plates * Filters * Flanged Check Valve * Flanged True Union Ball Valve * G. F. R. P. P Magnetic Pump * Gas Filters * Handle Level Butterfly Valve * Hepa Absolute Filter * High Flow Pleated Cartridge * High Performance Bag Filters * Industrial Water Softening System * Ion Exchange Cartridges * Ion Exchange Dm Plant * Ion Exchange Membranes * Leaf Filters * Liquid Filter Bags * M. B Polishers * Magnetic Pump * Magnetic Sealess Pumps * Manual D. M Plant * Manual Demineralization Plant * Membrane Biological Reactor * Membrane Filteration * Micro Filters * Mixed Bed Systems * Mixing Educators * New Compact Ball Valve * Nickel Electroplating Plants * Nickle Plating Filters * Oil Filters * P. P Filter Bags * P. V. D. F Magnetic Pump * Plastic Bag Filter Assemblies * Plating Chemical Filters * Pneumatic Actuated Ball Valve * Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Valve * Polypropylene Magnetic Pump * Pph Vertical Pump * Pressure Filters * Products * R. O. Machinery * Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plant * Reverse Osmosis Plants * Reverse Osmosis System * Reverse Osmosis Systems * Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier * Rotary Filters * Sand And Carbon Filtration * Sand Or Carbon Filtration * Self Suction Magnetic Pump * Semi Automatic Water Softening System * Sewage Treatment Machinery * Softening Systems * Spark Erosion Machinery Filters * Spiraflux C. E. D Ultrafilter Membrane * Spiraflux Electrocoating Membrane * Spiraflux Electrophoretic Ultra Filter Membrane * Ss Bag Filter Plants * Synthetic Media Extended Surface Filters * True Union Ball Valve * Two Bed Dm Plant * U. V. Sterilizers * U. V. Filters * Ultra Violet Purifiers * Waste Water Treatment Machinery * Waste Water Treatment Plant * Waste Water Treatment Systems * Water Bag Filter Assemblies * Water Filter Bags * Water Softener * Water Softener Plant * Water Softeners * Water Softening Plant * Water Treatment Machinery * Water Treatment System * Worm Geared Butterfly Valve * Filter Mfgrs. And Dealers * Basket Filter * Spark Erosion Machines Filters * D. M. Plants * Water Treatment Plants * Sewage Treatment Plants * R. O. Plants * Waste Water Treatment Equipment * Water (Water Treatment Plants) * Water (Water Treatment Machinery) * Water Treatment Equipments